When my kids were hitting youth sports in a serious way at about the turn of the century, I was the dad shooting with a little Canon point-and-shoot camera. The photographs were really hard to shoot. Most of the photos were completely unusable. The unpredictable 2-second shutter delay made me miss most of the action, and when I did manage to catch the action, it was BLURRY, due to the long shutter speeds required by the little point-and-shoot. That’s when I bought a Nikon D70. The Nikon D70 was a huge upgrade. The shutter release was instantaneous if I turned on AF-C mode. Though AF-C …

My Youth Sports Photography Journey Read more »

I wrote Bigger’s The American Way around the turn of the century at a time that I was frequently working with an engineer from Japan. It seemed like all of his computers, phones, suitcases, apartments, cars and everything else were smaller due to Japanese space limitations. This seemed to encourage Japanese designers to make smaller, simpler things that are less expensive and easier to live with. Too often, when American engineers are faced with adding new features, they will make the thing bigger, add buttons, add complexity. I like the smaller simpler approach better. The final mental trigger for me to write this song happened …

Bigger’s The American Way by Mark Woodford Read more »

I’m in the process of moving sites. I have moved my mp3 files here, with the same structure as before under woodford-way.com/music, but I don’t have any posts or pages referencing the files yet on this site, except this…. the mp3 files are here: http://woodford-way.com/music